Embracing Misfortune: Finding Strength in Unavoidable Life Challenges

“Unfortunate things that can’t be exceeded.” 🔳 Rather than the fact that this article is Logic dropping, my position, It is written about my beliefs. It may not be compatible for all. Maybe or may not be accepted. 🔳 First, I want to get back to you about life philosophy, which Horace wrote about. Countries, […]

Embracing Criticism: Strengthening Your Mind in a World of Judgement

“It’s because you’re feeling it.” 🔳 If you become a man, criticism, Attack, Rot happens. The world comes from the word” world Dharma”, so no one can shy away from it. How well known are you? They are more or less different depending on whether they are not. Not to the extreme – they are […]

The Power of Pausing for a Clearer Journey Ahead

“Rest paves the long road ahead.” Dialogue 18×2 little dial-up from Beyond Youthful Days. A brief hiatus, he said, puts the long journey ahead on track. What you Break will depend on different circumstances. Some take years. Money, It can also be taken as a family position. Some of them are months. Some days. I […]

Navigating Life’s Crossroads: Choosing the Right Path with Purpose

Look around the ice as well. My high school friends are having a hard time reuniting at this point. My friends at University were different. Co-workers from a job that is now friendly? I’ll have to separate myself from these guys as well. The person who continues his education will learn, Whoever changes jobs will. […]

Listen with Your Heart: The Transformative Power of Being Heard

”Listen with your heart.” 🔳 Whether you want to soothe a person’s soul or Whether you want to rebuild a broken relationship, there’s one thing you should do. What? – “People want to be heard.” People are talking about their own words. My feelings, The fact that you want what others have heard about you. […]

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