
Keep your mind Always busy

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🔳 All creatures, including humans, are afraid of pain (Pain). Headache. From low back pain to the middle of the ritual bite to the end of diseases like cancer, I feel pain. I have to take drugs for that. They complained that they didn’t want to hurt anymore.

I once wrote about the disease 🔳 CIPA (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhidrosis). You don’t know the pain. The man was also not hurt when his hand was cut with a knife. He’s also relaxed with a big broken leg. It is an extremely rare disease.

All of a sudden, you might think it’s a good idea not to get hurt. However, it is not known what is going on with the body as there is no pain whatsoever.

🔳 Of course Pain is just asking your brain for a signal to take Action because there is something going on in your body. Now when I don’t get that Signal, I don’t do anything. I don’t, so I have to be in more trouble. When you don’t get to the ground News headquarters, it’s like losing a fight because you can’t direct and provide what you need.

As a result, most can’t live longer than 25 years old. They pass away at a young age.

🔳 Why do I say this? in Buddhism, I say, ” the body doesn’t hurt. My mind hurts” ” (let the body preached by the Lord of the skies hurt me. Don’t hurt me in your mind) because I want you to realize more.

These patches don’t hurt. When the Signal sent through them comes to your brain, It only hurts when your brain accepts it. I want it to be understood this way.

The department has been meditating daily for years and now, from my experience of entering a 10-day synagogue online for 3 consecutive months, it’s not as easy as it sounds to make sure you don’t get hurt and hurt yourself. Not just knowing. It’s going to take a lot of practice.

If you sit down for 15 minutes, you’re relieved that you’re not suffering at all. From about half an hour onwards, the hamstrings tightened. By an hour or so, it had become quite unbearable. It’s getting harder to be careful.

In a part-time child who can concoct and attach consciousness to the tip of his nose, he is unaware of the pain. But only for a moment. Back to that pain. Once I had to struggle with retracting consciousness to the tip of my nose. Even so, this pain is different from the pain of dying. That’s why I say it’s not as easy as it sounds.

If you have realized about the pain you wrote about🔳, you will understand more about the Concept of this practice. In truth, my leg isn’t hurting. My mind is hurting from feeling my teeth. The mind is sent to the tip of the nose. I no longer feel pain because my brain no longer accepts the Signal sent through my leg.

Then you can reduce the pain when you are suffering worse. It would be a good life swim, no more yawning on the verge of death. (For long periods of time, immobilizing meditation, good or bad, will be individualized. I’m not going to discuss it for fear of a long letter.)

That’s why Pain Management has Distraction (distraction). They’ve been there. The doctor or nurse is talking to the patient. The focus is on that side, so the patient is no longer aware of the pain he feels on that side.

🔳 To give you a clearer example, you don’t realize that the mosquito bites when you’re focusing on something. I forgot who I talked to and who I was hungry for. Watching a movie over dinner … you don’t even know how the meal ended … All of which, “the body knows nothing, Only the mind knows” are examples.

The tongue doesn’t know the taste of the meal. It’s only when you notice that meal and the sensation that comes when you meet your tongue that you taste it.

The hand doesn’t know about mosquito bites. I only know the sting when I notice the sensation that is when I’m touching my hand with that mosquito.

🔳 Yes. What’s the use of it when you understand it that way?

I had a bad past. There were painful things. Are you hurting me all the time? No. When you have a coincidence about it, your thought goes back to the events of that past. Sadness at this point. Outrage. Perseverance. Feelings of self-incrimination and so on.

The more you combine your thoughts with the past I mean, the more I’m twirling around and rethinking things from the past, The poorer you get. The more we can’t escape the trauma. It’s called Rumination.

🔳 It is similar in concept to hurting when the mind reaches the cramped leg. The past doesn’t hurt. It hurts the thought of me going into the past.

Therefore, the more you can put your mind in the present, The easier it is to escape trauma.

🔳 That’s also what I want to do to Move on Heartbreak. Memories of our time together I sit and think all the time and I don’t want to forget this man. You’ll need to keep your mind Engaged elsewhere.

The sense of mind is not living where it is placed. It will be scattered. That’s why there will be reminders. However, the person who has something to focus on will surely have less heartbreak than the person who has nothing to engage with (quite frankly, a jealous person).

As I wrote above: These are easy to say. Realistically, it’s quite difficult. However, if the concept of the mind is understood as it is, I can see that it would be easier to struggle out of the past.

One Mindfulness doesn’t mean just being careful at the tip of your nose. It’s Mindfulness that keeps your mind in the present moment. You can also practice in the shower. You can also practice over a meal.

The key thing is not to put your heart into it. I’m learning to play guitar, for example. It’s there, too, that I’m thinking less about the past. He also worries less about the future. And the heartbreak was reduced. Therefore, where you are interested, You can do something passionate.

If you’re heartbroken, going to language classes may not be OK. Someone who is happy to learn the language is something else. Otherwise, it’s not easy to flow.

Passionate, passionate, The kind of training you enjoy learning (e.g., vocal training, Any sport, etc.) it would be easier for my mind to be more Engaged.

🔳 The last thing you need to do is change the environment and your behaviors as well.

Man and mind, Mind and environment are related. I’m obsessed with something. Say you want to cut. I’m addicted to porn, for example. The longer you hold your phone in your hand, The higher the percentage of traffic to those websites. When you’re reading a book thoroughly, it’s not easy for your mind to get in that direction.

There will be commands that are harassing you. Still as much as I like. I don’t feel anything in my mind until I go read it. Is it because the feeling is when you meet your eyes with the visuals of Commons Therefore, avoiding what should be avoided is also important for mental health.

🔳 To re-stitch, whether the body is suffering or Issues of the past, or The act of a person; It doesn’t hurt me, even if it’s just bullshit. I’m just feeling it because my mind accepts it.

The moment you are able to notice the pain in your nipples without getting into the pain in your body, you don’t feel the pain anymore. Past, The moment when we are not in the mood for the future and we are in the moment, there is also the fever. I’m not going to suffer from anxiety.

The sense of mind is that it will run around, so it’s not easy to keep it in one place full-time. However, it can be practised. Then you will have a more stable mind than before.

If you don’t practice and leave the country for a long time, it can get you back in the habit, so you need to do it consistently.

This is why mental hygiene must always be done in the same way as body hygiene, and Mental training, as well as training the body, must always be done, I want you to realize that it’s not an event, It’s a process.

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